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Technical Specifications
The bar itself is small in diameter with a comfortable grip, which is forgiving on the hands. The grip has a rubbery feel with a fine texture. It feels firm underneath and a bit cushier on the top where your fingers wrap around the bar.
The integrated floats at the bar ends house the mechanism to adjust the size of your bar. Simply pull down the tag under the bar, rotate the insert and your bar size is changed. You will also have the possibility to adjust your back lines length.
The bar features a lifeline now placed into a new rectangular depower sheath for more durability. This new feature prevents the centerline from rubbing against the aluminum tube and will not rub against the user’s fingers.
Above the bar, the stainless-steel cleat used to adjust the power has been updated for more simplicity, and the depower system is now thinner and therefore more precise.
The LINX BAR offers the option to switch between a low and high V:
- Low V for the TRIGGER, BREEZE V2 & V3, ONE, and FURTIVE
An additional float is placed above the depower system to maintain positive buoyancy if you become disconnected from your bar.
The bar’s color-coding is very clear with orange on the left and dark blue on the right.
The lines end in lark’s head loops and are being attached to the bridles’ connectors.
The quick release features a built-in manual swivel above the push to untwist your lines. The new minimalist below the bar lifeline swivel is now made of a plastic stud and a stainless-steel ring on which you hang the leash. It rotates easily and automatically untwists your lifeline.
The lifeline is now placed into a new rectangular depower sheath for more durability. This new features prevents the centerline from rubbing against the aluminium tube and will not rub against the user's fingers.
SHEETED IN The back line is released and the forces go through the front connector. The bar pressure increases and the maneuvrability is less direct. It offers a very progressive bar with a feeling of a sheeted out back connector while we sheet in, therefore the pressure increases progressively.
SHEETED OUT The kite tilts and the back line stiffens. The tensions move to the trailing edge which has several effects: - less flapping - better start - maneuvrability with less pressure.
HIGH TENSION TUNING When the kite is sheeted out with the upper knot tuning (1): -kite’s maneuvrability increases -bar pressure reduces
LOW TENSION TUNING When the kite is sheeted in with the lower knot tuning (2): - kite’s maneuvrability reduces - bar pressure increases
Lifeline Swivel
The new minimalist below the bar lifeline swivel is now made of plastic stud and a stainless steel ring on which you hang the leash. It rotates easily and automatically untwists your lifeline.

The above the bar stainless steel cleat to adjust the power has been updated for more simplicity, and the depower system is now thinner and therefore more precise.
Allows the Life Line to be connected to a single front line.
V Splitter
New aluminium V Splitter for longer lasting lines.

Item | Size | Accessories Included |
LINX BAR 4 LINE 2022 | 52/45 cm | Safety leash (M) |
45/38 cm |